Sapphic Senses: Sound


“Oh sweet baby Jesus!!!!”

A sound that we all love to hear, and lets face it you love to make it too because most likely you are in the throws of passion and about to have your 5th mind shattering orgasm! 


Sounds, I don’t know how people live without them. Having deaf people in my life I find that I appreciate sounds a lot more, not just the sounds that tell you the you’ve hit that sweet spot but the sounds that tell you that you’re loved, the sounds that comfort you, the sounds that scare the living crap out of you and yes of course, the sounds that make your motor run. And there are also those times when you’re not really listening at all because you’re too busy staring at her boobs.

The sounds that make you realise that you are loved have to be some of my favourites. Besides the actual words ‘I love you’ there are so many sounds that let you know that you are loved; the sound of a kiss on your forehead, her breathing next you slowly and rhythmically while she sleeps, the sound of her laughing… and so many more that make you smile.

My favourite sound is the sound of heart beat, I am a nurse and so heart beats not only help me ascertain the health status of my patients but when I am at home nothing calms me down or helps me sleep more than the sound of her heart underneath my head as I lay on her chest. The human heart is a muscle that tell us everything we need to know about ourselves, the sounds it makes tell us when we push ourselves too hard, when we are sick and make us realise that we are alive.


What about the sounds that scare you? I don’t know about you, but if it’s dark and my floor board creeks I am hiding under the covers and hoping someone will come home faster than you can say “bogey man”. Bats screeching is another one that gets me every time, because if I can hear the little flying rat then it’s close and could attack at any time! What about the groan that comes from the bathroom when your better half realises she just got her period? Now that’s a scary sound! Not only does it mean a week full of hormones lay ahead of you  (which is scary enough!), but also a week of an interrupted sex life. Or better yet, the sound of your mother-in-laws voice on the other end of the phone saying “We’re coming to visit!”. Shudder.

So what about the sounds that get your motor running? For me, its hearing that gasp, that intake of breath when you kiss that spot at the base of her neck or various other places… I guess that really any sound that tells you that you’re doing it right is a good sound.

But what are the other sounds that you like?

I like the sound of no alarm on the weekend, the sound of her playing guitar, the sound of my friends around me having a laugh… Happy sounds.

So what are your happy sounds?


